Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Interpreter of maladies guide free essay sample

‘Interpreter of Maladies’ pages 43-69 Summary of the story Mr. and Mrs. Das are arguing at the first rest stop about whose turn it is to take their daughter to the toilet. Mr. Das complains he bathed her the night before. Mrs. Das gets out of Mr. Kapasis car to take Tina. It is a Saturday in mid-July. Mr. Kapasi is driving the Das family from their hotel to the Sun Temple at Konarak. He is assigned to pick up foreign tourists because he speaks English. The Dass also have two boys, Ronny and Bobby. The parents are under thirty and look Indian but dress like foreigners. Mr. Das squeezes Mr. Kapasis hand greeting him like an American. Mr. Das holds a tour book titled INDIA and wears shorts, T-shirt, sneakers and camera around his neck. Ronny exits the car to see a goat. Bobby stays in the car. We will write a custom essay sample on Interpreter of maladies guide or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mr. Das tells him to watch his brother but Bobby says he doesnt feel like it. Mr. Kapasi tells Mr. Das the goats are tame. Mr. Kapasi asks if he left India as a child. Mr. Das explains he and Mrs. Das were born and raised in America but are visiting their parents who retired in India. Tina returns. Mr. Das indicates this is her first trip to India and asks her where Mina is. Mr. Kapasi finds it strange Mr. Das asks his daughter about her mother using her first name. Tina points to her mother buying something from a shirtless man at the stall. As she walks away, the man sings part of a Hindi love song that Mrs. Das seems not to understand. Mr. Kapasi notices her short skirt and tight-fitting blouse like a mans undershirt. Mr. Das answers Mr. Kapasi they live in New Brunswick, New Jersey and he teaches science in middle school. Mr. Das compares his student trips to a New York Museum with Mr. Kapasis work as a tour guide. Mrs. Das returns and asks how long the trip is. Mr. Kapasi answers two and one half hours. Mr. Das responds the tour book says eighteen miles. Mr. Kapasi says its actually fifty-two miles and roads are poor. Mr. Kapasi checks the door locks before starting the car and leaving the tea stall. As they drive down the road, Ronny yells monkeys to what Bobby points at. Mr. Kapasi indicates they are common in the area as they jump into the road and on the car. They have only seen monkeys in a zoo. Mr. Das asks to stop so he can take pictures. Mrs. Das does her nails and tells Tina to leave her alone. The boys are confused by drivers on the opposite side than in America. Mr. Kapasi says he knows from watching ‘Dallas’. He thinks to himself the Das family act like brothers and sisters. The parents act just like an older brother and sister. Mrs. Das complains the car is not air-conditioned. She asks if Mr. Das saves fifty cents because of that. He tells her to quit complaining and its not so hot. Mr. Das asks Mr. Kapasi if his job is tiresome. He tells him to stop so he can take another picture. Mrs. Das looks away at the sky. Mr. Kapasi looks forward to guiding tours, and the Sun Temple is a favorite destination. He guides tours only on Friday and Saturday, and has a job in a doctors office the other days. Mr. Das asks if hes a doctor. Mr. Kapasi explains he interprets for a doctor who does not speak Gujarati. Mr. Das says thats interesting. Mrs. Das says its romantic. She puts her sunglasses atop her head. Her eyes meet Mr. Kapasis in a drowsy gaze through the rearview mirror. Mr. Das turns to her to ask whats romantic. She tells him she doesnt know. Then she asks Mr. Kapasi if he wants some gum and to tell them more about his job. He asks what she wants to know. She says a typical situation. So she can picture what happens she tilts her head and closes her eyes. Mr. Kapasi tells them of one. She says its neat, patients depend on him, he has a big responsibility and Mr. Das agrees. Mina explains that patients are more dependent on Mr. Kapasi than the doctor since neither understands the other without him. Mr. Kapasi reflects on what they say and how he never thinks of it that way. He thinks interpreting patient maladies is a failure to be the interpreter for diplomats and scholar of foreign languages he wanted. He remembers few foreign phrases anymore and his children know better English. He met the doctor when his son was sick and had to barter language skills for the medical treatment his son needed. The son died but he continues on with the doctor to pay their bills. This reminds his wife of their son. She never asks about his job. Mrs. Dass interest in it flatters him. Mr. Kapasi reflects on how his marriage and the Das couple seem similar. They both seem unhappily married to each other and have children to raise. He wonders if theyre a bad match also. He is exhilarated by her comment about his romantic job. He is happy to wear his good suit that morning and checks his reflection in the mirror while driving. He glances back at Mrs. Das and tells her more patient stories. The children look for monkeys, Mr. Das reads his tour book and Mr. Kapasi feels like hes talking alone with Mrs. Das. When they stop for lunch, Mrs. Das calls Mr. Kapasi to sit with them. When they finish Mr. Das tells Mr. Kapasi to move near Mrs. Das so he can take a picture. She asks for his address to send pictures. He writes it down and dreams about writing to her. The Das tour group arrives at the temple. Mr. Kapasi tells them its history and leads the family on a walking tour of the grounds. Mr. Das follows taking pictures. They pass by friezes of naked couples entwined in making love, elephant processions and topless female musicians. Mr. Kapasi sees Mrs. Das stare silently at the figures. He admires the back of her legs and points out features of Surya as he dreams of embracing her. He asks when they will return home. She says ten days. He hopes to hear from her in six weeks. The group starts back to the hotel. Mr. Kapasi thinks about ways he can make the tour last longer. He mentions a side trip to another site on the left and the children agree. Mr. Kapasi fantasizes what he will say to Mrs. Das and that he might take her hand. When they arrive she says her legs are tired and wont get out of the car. Mr. Das and children start up the hill. When Mr. Kapasi says he will join them to explain the caves Mrs. Das asks him to stay and gets into the front seat with him. Mina watches Raj and her children hike up the hill and confides in Mr. Kapasi. She says Bobby is not Rajs son. She explains they were young when they married and still in college. They had Ronny and she stayed at home to take care of the baby so she sees few friends. Raj didnt mind because he enjoys coming home to play with the baby. He invites a friend of his to stay with them. She makes love to him and conceives Bobby the afternoon he leaves. Mr. Kapasi refers to her as Mrs. Das, but she says he should not call her Mrs. She is twenty-eight and he probably has children her age. He is crestfallen that she thinks he is as old as her parents. She tells him her secret because of his talent. She has not told anyone for eight years. Raj doesnt even suspect her secret. She is in pain and hopes Mr. Kapasi knows what to say to relieve her so she feels better. Minas secret depresses Mr. Kapasi. He asks her if its pain or guilt that she feels. She glares at him to say something insulting then gets out of the car to walk up the hill. As she walks eating handfuls of puffed rice, bits fall on the ground. The bits attract monkeys that pursue her up the hill. Mr. Kapasi follows so as not to alarm her by calling out. Mrs. Das calls out to Mr. Das to wait for her. Mr. Kapasi chases off the monkeys as he catches up with the Das family. Mr. Das asks where Bobby is. Mrs. Das asks whats wrong with all of them. They call for him but do not hear his screams. He is surrounded by monkeys pulling at him. One is hitting him with a stick. Mr. Kapasi chases them away and picks up Bobby. He takes him stunned and frightened to his parents. They decide to go back to the hotel. Mrs. Das pulls out her brush to fix Bobbys hair. When she pulls it from her purse the slip of paper with Mr. Kapasis address flies out and flutters away on the breeze into the trees with the monkeys. Narrative Perspective  · Third person but provides perspective of Mr Kapasi  · Mix of narrative and dialogue Characters: Mr. Das (Raj)  · Around 30 years of age  · Tanned  · Shrill immature voice, clean-shaven.  · Sapphire blue visor, shorts, sneakers, t-shirt  · Dresses and acts like typical American tourist  · Expensive, complicated camera slung around neck  · Live in New Brunswick, New Jersey  · A science teacher: compares his student excursions to Mr. Kapasi’s job as tour guide: â€Å"In a way we have a lot in common, you could say, you and I. † p. 46  · Thinks Mr. Kapasi’s job tiresome  · Stops car to take photo of poor man  · Takes photos at lunch stop  · Reads his tour book in car  · Supplements Mr. Kapasi’s description of the Sun Temple from his book  · Tells his wife off for wearing stupid shoes.  · Worried she won’t be in pictures at the hills. Thinks they could use on for their Christmas cards. Wants a picture of the five of them.  · Happy to come home from work in evenings, a contrast to his wife  · His camera triggers off monkeys Mrs. Das (Mina)  · 28 years old, similar age to husband  · Tanned  · No initial interest in Mr. Kapasi  · Doesn’t realize men at tea stall sing at her: doesn’t understand Hindi  · Wears red and white checkered skirt above knee, slip on shoes, close fitting blouse with strawberry shaped applique.  · Short, small hands, painted fingernails and lips, slightly plump, short hair,  · Wears large brown sunglasses, carries big straw bag  · Buys puffed rice: doesn’t offer to anyone else in car  · Impatient  · Has Bombay film magazine written in English  · Paints her nails whilst children watch monkeys  · Complains that car not air-conditioned: blames her husband  · Looks the other way when her husband photographs the man by road  · First sign on interest is when she hears Mr. Kapasi works as an interpreter. Takes off her sunglasses for the first time.  · Offers gum to Mr. Kapasi  · Vanity: brushes hair, does nails, concerned about appearance  · Invites Mr. Kapasi to eat lunch with them  · Smells of scent – a mixture of whiskey and rosewater  · Wants Mr. Kapasi’s address to send copies of pictures  · Drops the slip of paper with his address into the ‘jumble of her bag’  · Likes the carvings at the temple. Stares silently at the carved lovers  · Refuses to get out of car at the hills. Says her legs are tired.  · Tells Mr. Kapasi to stay. She shifts to front seat beside him  · Revelation that Bobby is not Raj’s son  · Doesn’t cope well at home with the children – feels isolated  · Outrage when Raj invites a Punjabi friend to stay  · Reaction when Mr. Kapasi can’t offer advice to her problem  · Question of whether or not she realizes the effect her words and actions have on Mr. Kapasi throughout the tour Mr. Kapasi  · An observer: he watches in his rearview mirror. He notices Mrs. Das’s ‘shaved, largely bare legs’  · We never learn his first name  · Speaks English so generally assigned as driver to foreign tourists  · Aged 46, receding silver hair, ‘butterscotch’ complexion  · Gray trousers and matching jacket-style shirt in synthetic non-crushable material. Made by tailor  · Finds it strange Mr. Das calls his wife by first name when speaking to daughter  · Asks questions about Das’s heritage and where they live  · A tour guide for 5 years  · Notes one boy paler skinned than the other  · Thinks parents more like children themselves  · Thinks their accents like American TV shows  · Sun Temple one of his favourite places: sees it as a ‘reward’  · Works as tour guide on Fridays and Saturdays.  · Has another job as Gujariti interpreter for a doctor  · Answers Mrs. Das’s questions about his job  · Never occurred to him that job is a ‘big responsibility’. He thinks it a thankless occupation  · Devoted scholar of foreign languages in youth  · Owned dictionaries, listed etymologies of words in his notebook  · Now has forgotten all but English  · Son contracted typhoid at 7 years old. Died in mother’s arms  · Job with doctor a barter of skills to pay son’s medical bills  · Financial pressures – education, housing, clothing  · Emotional pressure from wife grieving loss of son  · Wife calls him a ‘doctor’s assistant’. She’s not interested in his job  · Flattered by Mrs. Das’s interest in his job. Reminded of its intellectual challenges  · Finds Mrs. Das’s attention ‘intoxicating’  · Enjoys what seems like a ‘private conversation’ between him and Mrs. Das  · Writes his address carefully on scrap of paper  · Dreams of writing and receiving letters and what each will reveal to each other  · Has never seen his wife naked. Feels strange walking beside Mrs. Das  · Favorite statue is a particular Surya.  · Calculates how long until he receives first letter with photos  · Strategizes to make tour last longer  · Says monkeys are more hungry than dangerous. Tells them not to provoke them with food  · Shocked at Mrs. Das’s revelation about Bobby  · Upset that she thinks of him as a parent and healer  · He can’t comprehend she has told him her story. He thinks ‘interpreting’ only applies to language, not to problems.  · Feels insulted at being asked to interpret her ‘common, trivial little secret’  · Can foresee problem puffed rice will cause with monkeys  · Rescues Bobby and tempted to whisper truth of his birth to him Tina  · Complains 5 minutes into trip  · Wearing purple sundress with big bows  · Carries yellow-haired doll  · Her first trip to India  · Plays with door locks inside car  · Screams in delight at monkeys  · Wants mother’s attention Ronny  · Close in age to brother.  · Has braces: ‘network of flashing silver wires’  · Ignores father at tea stall: goes to the goat and quickly touches it.  · Excitement at seeing monkeys Bobby  · Has braces like his brother  · Picks up stick that monkey snatches. He and monkey pass it back and forwards  · Not Mr. Das’s biological son  · Wanders off and gets surrounded by monkeys  · Monkey hits him repeatedly with stick he’d given it earlier Themes Marital Relationships  · They are arguing in opening line of the story  · Mr. Kapasi has never seen his wife naked, has never admired the backs of her legs  · ‘†¦and enjoy the evening newspaper and a cup of tea that his wife would serve him in silence. ’ 60  · Revelation of Mrs. Das’s affair and birth of Bobby  · They married while still in college. Parents were best friends.  · She is unhappy in her marriage – has kept her feelings secret for eight years  · The effect on her of finally releasing her secret. She suddenly has renewed vigour and interest in family Parenting  · Mrs. Das doesn’t hold Tina’s hand  · Ronny ignores father on p44. So does Bobby p45  · Don’t stop Tina playing with door locks on car  · Mrs. Das tells Tina to leave her alone when applying nail polish p. 48  · Mrs. Das ignores children at temple: ‘†¦walking past her children as if they were strangers. ’ 58  · Seems to spring into maternal role after leaves Mr. Kapasi in a huff.  · Concern when Bobby missing  · Mrs. Das shows affection when Bobby hurt. Wants to fix his hair. Band-Aid. Cultural  · Parents look Indian but dress as ‘foreigners’  · Mr. Das greets differently to Mr. Kapasi: Mr. Kapasi presses palms together whilst Mr. Das squeezed hands  · Guide book published abroad  · Mr. Das proud he and his wife born in America. Their parents have retired to Assansol.  · Boy wonders why driver on wrong side of the car  · Mr. Kapasi knows something of America from ‘Dallas’, the TV show  · Mr. Kapasi not used to a woman showing interest in him. Mrs. Das so different from his wife  · Souvenirs stand at Sun Temple Tourists  · Guidebook on INDIA  · Camera and taking of photos  · Children’s excitement at seeing monkeys  · Ignorance of language and customs  · Mr. Das taking photo of man 49 Food/Smells  · Gum: ‘†¦a thick sweet liquid burst onto his tongue. ’ 50  · Puffed rice  · Lunch stop  · Mrs. Das’s scent Lack of fulfillment in life  · Mr. Kapasi had dreamed of being an interpreter for diplomats and dignitaries and settling disputes of which he alone could understand both sides  · Mrs. Das the first woman who had taken an interest in him  · She doesn’t have many close friends as whole life dominated by Raj and children  · has no-one to confide in  · She has fallen out of love with husband, children and life Dreams  · Mr. Kapasi dreams that letters between them would fulfill his dream of serving as an interpreter between nations.  · Thinks about complimenting Mrs. Das or even holding her hand Communication  · Mr. Kapasi translating Gujarati words into Hindi  · Mr. Kapasi speaks English  · Mrs. Das’s use of the word ‘romantic’ to describe his job  · Story-telling. Mr. Kapasi enjoys telling stories of the various patients for whom he has interpreted. ‘Mrs. Das listened attentively†¦asking more questions, for yet another example. ’ 54  · Thought of receiving letters from Mrs. Das  · Mr. Kapasi dreads possibility of a lost letter  · Mrs. Das’s use of the word ‘neat’. Mr. Kapasi not sure what it means.  · Mrs. Das not close to her parents  · Story of Bobby’s conception  · Mrs. Das feels she hasn’t been able to express her anxieties to anyone – she wants advice  · Use of looks: glares  · Difficulty of communicating pain and problems to other people Language and Style of Story  · Use of colours: ‘mustard oil on her frosty pink lips’  · Detail used to describe monkeys  · Detailed description of carvings at the Sun Temple  · Use of senses: smell, taste, touch, what the eyes see  · Use of motifs such as the slip of paper with address on it Motifs:  · White Ambassador car: lots of references to seats, locks, windows  · Tour book: Mr. Das always reading it. He prefers to draw his facts from the book rather than listen to Mr. Kapasi. Represents arrogance and ignorance of the tourist, especially a tourist of Indian heritage. Gap between America and India.  · Camera: Mr. Das hopes to get a photo of the whole family together but doesn’t succeed. Clicks away on camera rather than simply appreciating what is in front of him. Thinks of family Christmas card. Noise of camera worries monkeys. Link to Mr. Kapasi who dreams of receiving copies of photos.  · Puffed rice: represents self-centeredness of Mrs. Das. She doesn’t offer any to her family, only to Mr. Kapasi when she confides in him. Her carelessness, when puffed rice dropped on track, leads to monkeys attacking Bobby.  · Straw bag: Mrs. Das keeps all sorts of ‘trivial’ items in it. Mr. Kapasi’s address tossed in carelessly and later blows away when she gets brush out.  · Sunglasses: hide her face and emotions. She takes them off for the first time when Mr. Kapasi tells of his job.  · Clothing: family’s American style clothing compared to Mr. Kapasi’s tailored synthetic suit. Focus on the strawberry applique on Mrs. Das’ blouse. Contrast to traditional Indian clothes Mr. Kapasi’s wife wears.  · Monkeys: exciting for children but prove a menace. Mr. Kapasi’s advice that food can make them a threat comes true.  · Carvings at Sun Temple at Konarak: emphasis on ‘erotic’ carvings where couples entwined together – the opposite of Mr. and Mrs. Das, and also Mr. Kapasi and his wife. The carvings of lovers may escalate Mr. Kapasi’s lust for Mrs. Das.  · Dried up river and crumbled interior of the temple: The loss of cultural heritage  · The tour: the events symbolize the ‘misinterpretations’ that occur in the two marriages. Setting:  · India – American/Indian family are staying at Hotel Sandy Villa, near Puri. It is a Saturday in mid-July, ideal weather for sightseeing. Key quotes ‘Mr. and Mrs. Das behaved like an older brother and sister, not parents. ’ 49 â€Å"Doesn’t it get tiresome, Mr. Kapasi, showing people the same thing every day? † 49 â€Å"But so romantic,† Mrs. Das said dreamily, breaking her extended silence. 50 â€Å"I want to picture what happens. † 51 ‘To him it was a thankless occupation. He found nothing noble in interpreting people’s maladies†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 51 ‘The job was a sign of his failings. ’ 52 ‘Mr. Kapasi knew it was not a remarkable talent. ’ 52 ‘†¦and the countless other ways he tried to console his wife and to keep her from crying in her sleep†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 53 ‘Mr. Kapasi knew that his wife had little regard for his career as an interpreter. He knew it reminded her of the son she’d lost†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 53 ‘He wondered if Mr. and Mrs. Das were a bad match, just as he and his wife were. Perhaps they, too, had little in common apart from three children and a decade of their lives. ’ ‘The signs he recognized from his own marriage were there – the bickering, the indifference, the protracted silences. ’ 53 ‘In addition to glancing at her face he glanced at the strawberry between her breasts and the golden brown hollow in her throat. ’ 54 ‘In time she would reveal the disappointment of her marriage, and he his. In this way their friendship would grow, and flourish. ’ 55 ‘In those moments Mr. Kapasi used to believe that all was right with the world, that all struggles were rewarded, that all of life’s mistakes made sense in the end. ’ 56 ‘The promise that he would hear from Mrs. Das now filled him with the same belief. ’ 56 ‘The thought of that silence, something to which he’d long been resigned, now oppressed him. ’ 60 ‘I’ve kept it a secret for eight whole years†¦But now I’ve told you. † 62 â€Å"I beg your pardon, Mrs. Das, but why have you told me this information? † 64 â€Å"I told you because of your talents. † 65 â€Å"Mr. Kapasi, don’t you have anything to say? I thought that was your job. † 65 â€Å"Don’t you realize what it means for me to tell you? † 65 â€Å"Is it really pain you feel, Mrs. Das, or is it guilt? † 66 ‘It crushed him; he knew at that moment that he was not even important enough to be properly insulted. ’ 66 ‘Mr. Kapasi observed it too, knowing that this was the picture of the Das family he would preserve forever in his mind. ’ 69 QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED: What are the key moments in this story? What links can be made with other stories in the collection? How is this story structured? Does it have a clear beginning (opening section), middle (characters, situation and ideas are developed) and end (draws story to a conclusion)? How does the story open? Does it hold the reader’s attention? How? How does it set the tone of the story? Is there suggestion and implication used rather than direct description? Does the story launch straight into the narrative? How has the writer presented the characters? Do they develop/ change? Is there an event/ experience that leads them to personal development? Is there a moment of epiphany? ? How do they relate to each other? Does the story reach a climax? Does it use the anti-climax and leave the ending open to a number of interpretations and questions? How does the story end? ? ? ? â€Å"A Real Durwan† pg. 70-82 Setting â€Å"Boori Ma, sweeper of the stairwell† is the 64 year old durwan of a poor four-storey apartment building in Calcutta, India. She likes to describe the riches and luxuries of a past life. Life is physically hard for her as she lives on the roof of the apartment building or under the letter boxes with her â€Å"life savings†. She is tolerated and drifts â€Å"in and out of the various households†. Motifs Food-lemon peels, ginger paste, vegetable peels, the cracker tin, tea, the delicacies of Boori Ma’s past life; â€Å"rice cooked in rosewater†, â€Å"we ate goat twice a week† etc Skeleton keys and life savings-they rattle hidden away under the sari. Reed broom, bucket, rags Sari- â€Å"a cheap white weave with a border the colour of a dirty pond†. Quilt-dirty and old, â€Å"They are clean now. I beat them with my broom† but they turn â€Å"into yoghurt† in the rain. The apartment block The rain- â€Å"It came slapping across the roof like a boy in slippers too big for him and washed Mrs. Dalal’s lemon peels into the gutter. † The two basins-â€Å"In his excitement on his way home through the plumbing district, Mr. Dalal had bought two basins. † Mr. Dalal’s wallet-â€Å"checking his pockets to make sure his wallet was in place. † Newspapers-Boori Ma sleeps on these and uses them to block out the rain. The collapsible gate, â€Å"stood guard between them and the outside world† Summary of the story Boori Ma is introduced to the reader as a poverty stricken and lonely old woman. As she sweeps the old cement stairs of the four-storey building she lives and works in, her stories of a past life filled with riches and prosperity form a focal point of the lives of the residents. Characters relate to each other through Boori Ma’s stories. She forms a sympathetic focal point as her â€Å"litanies† draw the â€Å"whole buildings attention†. Mrs Dalal â€Å"has a soft spot† for Boori Ma and is â€Å"insulted† that the residents do not supply Boori Ma with the necessities of life. Her promises of bedding and a â€Å"sheep’s- hair blanket† from Simla are never realised. A moment of change is signalled with the monsoonal rains. As Mrs Dala’s lemon peels are swept into the gutter so are the old ways and lives of the residents. Mr Dalal’s changing fortunes are the catalyst for this change. The arrival and installation of the two basins change he outlook and desires of the residents forever. The wives of the residents, form a â€Å"collective surmise† and seem to understand Boori Ma’s need to express her pain. Their sympathetic appreciation and tolerance, deteriorates when the sink is stolen. The climax of the story is when Mr Dalal installs the communal basin. Another climax is when Boori Ma’s â€Å"life savings and skeleton keys† are stolen in the market. This is a fore-shadowing of the robbery of the sink. Is this a story about the destitution of a woman or a whole people? Narrative Perspective  · Third person but provides perspective of Boori Ma  · Mix of narrative and dialogue Characters Boori Ma-the 64 year old durwan of a â€Å"very old building† who sweeps the cement stairs of this â€Å"particular flat building†. â€Å"In fact, the only thing that appeared three-dimensional about Boori Ma was her voice: brittle with sorrows, as tart a s curds, and shrill enough to grate meat from a coconut. † â€Å"She was sixty four years old, with hair in a knot no larger than a walnut, and she looked almost as narrow from the front as she did from the side. † â€Å"So she garbled facts. She contradicted herself. She embellished almost everything. But her rants were so persuasive, her fretting were so persuasive, her fretting so vivid, that it was not so easy to dismiss her. † â€Å"On certain afternoons Boori Ma visited her fellow residents. † â€Å"She picked up her broom-she never felt quite herself without it-†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Mr and Mrs Dalal-of the â€Å"third floor† experience changing fortune when Mr Dalal is promoted. â€Å"Mrs Dalal had a soft spot for Boori Ma; occasionally she gave the old woman some ginger paste with which to flavour her stews. † â€Å"’I cannot dream them’, Mrs. Dalal echoed. She lowered her diaphanous eyelids and sighed. ‘I cannot dream them, Boori Ma. I live in two broken rooms, married to a man who sells toilet parts. ’ â€Å" ‘†Who ever heard of it? I still cook on kerosene. You refuse to apply for a phone. And I have yet to see the fridge you promised when we married. You expect two basins to make up for all that? ’† Mr Chatterjee-his â€Å"opinions were always highly esteemed† despite his lack of physical or mental movement or pursuit. The â€Å"collective† residents of the building who tolerate and appreciate Boori Ma , â€Å"they never drew the latch bars across their doors†, until the sink is stolen. They gather together to â€Å" admire the day’s labours† but then separate into petty jealousies and material competitiveness. â€Å" No one in this particular flat-building owned much worth stealing. The second-floor widow, Mrs. Misra, was the only one with a telephone. Still, the residents were thankful that Boori Ma patrolled activities in the alley; screened the itinerant peddlars who came to sell combs and shawls from door to door†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"In short, over the years, Boori Ma’s services came to resemble those of a real durwan†¦she honoured the responsibility, and maintained a vigil no less punctilious than if she were the gatekeeper of a house on Lower Circular Road, or Jodhpur Park, or any other fancy neighbourhood. † The building itself-an old four-storey apartment block that is transformed by a coat of yellow paint. â€Å"It was a very old building, the kind with bathwater that still had to be stored in drums, windows without glass and privy scaffolds made of bricks. † Themes Poverty and repression The old versus the new Prosperity and newly acquired wealth Fulfillment Belonging Alienation and loneliness Power Possessions Key quotes â€Å"Most of all, the residents liked that Boori Ma, who slept each night behind the collapsible gate, stood guard between them and the outside world. † (p. 73) â€Å"In short, over the years, Boori Ma’s services came to resemble those of a real durwan. † (p. 73) â€Å"She spent the night on a bed of newspapers. † (p. 78) â€Å"Mr. Dalal, meanwhile, was thinking: A sink on the stairwell is sure to impress visitors. † (p. 78) â€Å"To occupy the time, Boori Ma retired to the rooftop. She shuffled along the parapets, but her hips were sore from sleeping on newspapers. After consulting the horizon on all four sides, she tore what was left of her quilts into several strips and resolved to polish the banister poles at a later time. † (p. 78) â€Å"’A sure sign of changing times,’ Mr. Chatterjee reputedly admitted from his balcony. † (p. 79) â€Å"’Boori Ma, I haven’t forgotten. We will bring you back a sheep’s-hair blanket made in the mountains,’ Mrs. Dalal said through the open window of the taxi. † (p. 79) â€Å"Of all the people who lived in that particular flat-building, Boori Ma was the only one who stood by the collapsible gate and wished them a safe journey. † (p. 80) â€Å"As soon as the Dalals were gone, the other wives began planning renovations of their own. † (p. 80) â€Å"Workers began to occupy this particular flat-building night and day. † (p. 80) â€Å"After a few days Boori Ma moved her baskets and her cooking bucket to the rooftop as well. † (p. 80) â€Å"Her mornings were long, her afternoons longer. She could not remember her last glass of tea. † (p. 80) â€Å"She grew restless on the roof, and so for some exercise, Boori Ma started circling the neighbourhood in the afternoons. Reed broom in hand, sari smeared with newsprint ink, she wandered through markets and began spending her life savings on small treats†¦One day .. she felt something tugging the free end of her sari. When she looked, the rest of her life savings and her skeleton keys were gone. † (p. 81) â€Å"In their haste the residents practically carried Boori Ma up the stairs on the roof, where they planted her on one side of the clothesline and started screaming at her from the other. † (p. 81) â€Å"’For years we have put up with your lies,’ they retorted. ‘You expect us, now, to believe you? ’† (p. 82) â€Å"’Boori Ma’s mouth is full of ashes. But that is nothing new. What is new is the face of this building. What a building like this needs is a real durwan. ’† (p. 82) â€Å"From the pile of belongings Boori Ma kept only her broom. ’ Believe me, believe me,’ she said once more as her figure began to recede. She shook the free end of her sari, but nothing rattled. † (p. 82) ‘Sexy’ – pp. 83-110 Setting: Boston, Massachusetts. A New England maritime city, one of the oldest in America and with several distinguished universities. It was founded by Puritans in 1630. Socially progressive (abolitionist movement etc),it has been enriched first by Irish Catholic immigrants, then Italians, Russian and Polish Jews and other immigrant groups. As a university town, it still draws its population from around the world. Also known as â€Å"the cradle of liberty† (due to its role in the American Revolution), â€Å"the cradle of Modern America†, â€Å"the Hub of the Universe†. White Americans make up 56% of the population, Black Americans around 25%, 1/5 of these being non-Hispanic. Asian Americans make up around 10%. Note how hard it is to follow a definition of a community on racial lines- boundaries begin to dissolve. WHAT DOES DEFINE A COMMUNITY? A CULTURE? Miranda and/ or Dev visit Davis Square, Symphony Hall, MFA (Museum of Fine Art),and especially the Mapparium (where the lovers feel â€Å"as if they were standing in the center of the world†p 90) at the Christian Science centre, and Filene’s strange basement and maze-like cosmetics/ make-up dept, restaurants, the airport, Commonwealth Avenue (takes Dev home to his wife: irony here? ) (84) and other Boston places. Also, consider the significance of an apartment, cubicle, neighbour’s house, restaurants. Also, note how the setting extends through discussions about the past and about t

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